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Academic keynote: Five Shades of Symbolic Execution for Vulnerability Hunting
Vulnerability Analysis: Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution
Industry keynote: Can Symbolic Execution Be a Productivity Multiplier for Human Bug-Finders?
USENIX Security '15 - Under-Constrained Symbolic Execution: Correctness Checking for Real Code
SymDefFix - Sound Automatic Repair Using Symbolic Execution
Detecting MPI Usage Anomalies via Partial Program Symbolic Execution
Applying Symbolic Execution to Test Implementations of a Network Protocol Against its Specification
Introduction to symbolic execution with KLEE (part 2) - running six examples of diverse small C apps
An Application of KLEE to Aerospace Industrial Software
Thaís Moreira Hamasaki - The (not so profitable) Path towards Automated Heap Exploitation
BAR 2023 Keynote #2 - The evolution of program analysis approaches in the era of AI
T116 Aiding Static Analysis Discovering Vulnerabilities in Binary Targets through Knowledge Graph In